Michael Pandazis

Hi, I am a doctoral candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center, an adjunct lecturer at CUNY
Queens College, and an instructor for REF CUNY. My research is in Hyperbolic Geometry,
specifically using Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates to characterize parabolicity of Riemann Surfaces.

This is a website to promote my mathematical research. Things you can find:

  • A preview of my research in the research section.
  • How to build half-twist tight flute surfaces in the research section.
  • How to build surfaces with finitely many symmetric ends in the research section.
  • Visualize beautiful self made images of computer generated universal covers in the research section.
  • Links to my teaching videos on Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Probability and Statistics on YouTube
    in the teaching section.
  • My teaching philosophy and experience in the teaching section.
  • More information about me in the CV section.